Dr Sebastian Liew
Io, MHAA MHS Unerty ofNew Eglad)
Medial Heralit Doctor of Ntropay
The New Paper (singapore)’
alled Sebastian Liew The
Medicine Man. Indeed,
Sebastian’s itet in natural
medicine started
wuhenhewas justateen His eldely
parents (he was bom when his mon 1
r was 45 years old) tught him,
through their examples,
the power of nature’s
healing, Confucianism,
and passion for one’s voalion.
Sebastian’s parents – Mr Liew
Seng Hwa and Madam Pak
Choy Yoke – were Cantonese opera artstes
, famed for their art from the
1930s- -1970s.
Sebastian was very close to
,where Sebatan was exposed to many
cha (Cantonese tea dnkng) at Chinatowmn,
sense ol humour and seing
his dad; they ofen went to yum cha
Des aoainoprinciples, such as having a sense
; with him various anti-ageing
eldery people. His dadsharedwin Chin 。5e bolay lea, and tonic herbs.
the uny sie ofle lots of wlking.n Cinee
who was smoking a cigar.
. He guessed that the
, guess the age of an old. but strong, manwho.was 5
ther asked the man. “What are the
He once asked Sebastian to
sctualy 92 years old! Then Sebastian’s
man was im his sitie.s This man was atualy
answer. Since that encounter,
, Sebastian has taken a deep inter
nestin naural ant ageing pactices and meiline
Ater graduating from the Singapore
pamene。dpon n Ego so no po
corporate career in engineering
, o discontentment He started to seek f
c forhis true vocation in ife.
and marketing,
Sebastian flt a deep sense of disconten
ch as massage,
aromatherapy, and
As a result, Sebatian
started to take courses in holstic therapesen中inn mamied. having children, and then
nutitin He bleved that ife was about
about more than just eating, seeping, getting
ast breath and die peacefuly in his arms, he wasCon
he was convinced of the value
When Seastian watched her mum take herliat reraoma
Sebastian has been
of hlsticnatural medicine.
ine. Thereafer, a spirtual ransfomation
n thatl
icrd a a ogani aemin th 19999 fna
ae hewocation to heal others. Since his epiphany,
brought Sebastian
a road less tavelled – the
se aodtas mentored many to true health.
devoled 1o his pytoherey pracice and has “
th a Master’s degree in Herbal
rseeicaeien Holalatt and Doctor of nop
advanced diplomnas and cinial
Sebatian is a qualfedand ese Hew
England, Australia. He also pssesses
from the Universty of New Eng
holisic massage. holistic nutition, Kneipp hydrotherapy,
Sonsnatuopathy, cinical aromatherapy, holisic
experiences in taditional natropathy,
National Herbalists Association of Autalia
and natural aesthetic therapy.He is the frst medical herbalist in Singapore and probably in Asia, who has over 15 years of clinical experiences with
treating patients of various health concerns, chiefly with evidenced based herbal medicine (phytotherapy) and
traditional European medicine. In 2006, he introduced St Hildegard medicine from Gemany and the spelt diet to
Singapore and Asia.
He has lectured and presented at retreats, seminars, conferences and numerous workshops in Singapore, Malaysia,
Thailand, and Germany. Sebastian has conducted numerous successful natural health retreats in Thailand, Malaysia,
Singapore and Indonesia. He was the past Vice Principal/Lecturer at the UK-based Raworth College in Singapore, as
well as a lecturer /course designer at the Spa Academy operated by Raffles Knowledge and training consultant to
health supplement companies such as Brand’s.
In 2016, Liew co-founded Seeds Garden, a cafe/bistro located in Malacca, to promote healthy living and to support
his humanitarian work in Nepal. Please vit ht:t/seedsgarden com.my
Sebastian has lectured and presented at retreats, seminars, and conferences in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and
Germany. He is the author of the book Leaf to Life: Unlock Nature’s Secrets of True Health, detailing a holistic lifestyle
program for optimal wellness and positive aging.
He has been featured on the radio (FM938, Class 95, FM 988 – Malaysia’s Cantonese radio show) and television
(Channel News Asis, Channel 5 and U), as well as in the print media, including the Straits Times, New Paper, and
medical jourmals such as Nationa/ Cancer Centre and Nursing Journal!. He is also a featured and regular contributor to
the Straits Times (Singapore) advocating the use of rational complementary medicine.
Major Conferences/Seminar speaker for.
Intemational Conference on Sports and Exercise Medicine, KL, Malaysia, 2014: Naturopathic approach to treating
and preventing heart diseases
Intermational Conference on Sports and Exercise Medicine, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2013: Modem medicine versus
Phytotherapy in the treatment of soft tssue injuries
Intemational Hildegard medicine conference, Germany, Konstanz, 2012: The awakening of the true self
Intemational Hildegard medicine conference, Germany, Konstanz, 2008: Comparison of Eastern medicine and
Hildegard medicine in the treatment and management of fear and insecurity
Aesthetic Asia 2012, Singapore: Your first dlefence against aging.
Living with herbs seminar。Nanyang Polytechnic, Singapore, 2008: Healing Philosophy of an ancient tradition in
modem society.
Corporate health and fitness conference, Singapore, 2006 Naturopathic lifestyle medicine.
Let Food Be Your Medicine Seminar, Republic Polytechnic, Singapore, 2009
Ssing-he alth Nursing Conference, Singapore, 2007: Bring out your inner doctor.
Health & Beauty conference by Lianhe Wanbao, 2010
St Hildegard Fasting Retreat, Singapore (Montfort centre), 2008.